Where is my lip balm?
Little bro has this habit of walking around the whole house when he's on the phone... and his phone calls concerning events, workshops, seminars can be pretty looooooooong... anyway, it wouldn't be bad if he'd just walk around, would it? The thing is... as he's walking around he tends to absent mindedly pick things up... fiddle with them, then "drop them off "in the most ridiculous places on his "trip" around the house... what does he pick up? Anything small enough to be held in one hand ... you name it... pens, small souvenirs, bracelets, nail polish .. whatever comes his way!!
Yesterday I had an evening class... he called me from the military base and told me he'd be home when I got back isA .... coooool...I got back home after a long day and found him getting ready to go pray 3esha in the mosque downstairs... so started clearing up the sort of mess in my room by the time he gets back ... "Now where is that tinted yummy lip balm I'd left on my dressing table when I switched bags before going out? ...nowhere to be seen ... maybe I never took it out of the bag? Nope ... not in bag .... not in drawer .... aha ... he moved it ... it must be him" ....looked around the house ... couldn't find it ... w ba3deeeiiin ... it's one of my favourites... waited till he got back and "politely" asked him :D ... "No, no I didn't!! Why on earth would I take your lip balm ?!??!" OK ... decided to let go of it ... it would show up one day .... then I heard him laughing in the other room ... went to find him holding the lip balm and grinning... it was in his pocket all along !!!
I don't want to imagine how his face would've looked had it dropped out of his pocket while he was praying !!